Monday, January 12, 2015

Addison Tired 3rd Birthday

Can you believe it? Addison had another birthday and is now officially three years old. NO matter how much I tell them they can't get any older they still grow. This year Addison is really into Minnie Mouse or anything Mickey Mouse Club House. Addison has been excited about this birthday even before Christmas and it finally got here. 
    First off, we get the kids a traditional birthday balloon from the dollar store. So we went to the dollar store on shopping day and we were lucky to get a Minnie Mouse birthday balloon. Then she decided that for her birthday cake we would make a Minnie Mouse bow with pink frosting and white dots. Just like Minnie Mouse. Sounds easy enough. Unfortunately, I was not blessed with cake decorating skills and even something that simple didn't turn out as I hoped but we did it anyway. Addison was so excited all the same and thought that she had the best birthday cake ever. As long as the birthday girl is happy and the cake at least taste good then everything is good. For her birthday presents, she would take anything (can you guess) Minnie Mouse. She especially wanted a Minnie Mouse house. 
       We decided to celebrate her birthday on Saturday so she could stay up as long as she wanted on her birthday. We have one o'clock church on Sunday but they have to go to bed on time on Sunday night for school the next day. She had fun watching Mickey Mouse Club House movies all day long and playing with her Christmas toys. Mommy made her Minnie Mouse bow cake with two helpers with licking. We also went for walks to the mailbox, to see if there were any birthday surprises waiting in the box. And low and behold Grandma Brooks birthday presents arrived that day in the mailbox. She had so much fun during the day that Mommy was worried that she would get to tired at birthday party time. I tried everything to get Addison to take a nap but she is one that doesn't take a nap any other day and I knew trying to get her to lay down on her birthday was a long shot. With no success at naps we read books, took Tuggle for a walk, played toys and watched movies. 
     When Pappi and Grammy called saying they were just getting the birthday presents and then they would be here, Addison started to get a little grumpy. After awhile, her grumpiness got worse than it has ever gotten. She was so tired that there was no reasoning. We offered for her to lay on the couch and watch another movie, we offered her to lay in our bed (a rare treat), we offered to rock her in the rocking chair and rub her back. Our last try was putting her in the tub with just a little bit of warm water and seeing if she would relax enough to take a little snooze. I normally would not allow her to get in a tub when tired, very scary, but I made sure the water wasn't to high and I watched her. It didn't matter anyway because she just cried loud and threw a big fit in the tub. Eventually she climbed out herself and Mommy had to just put her in her bed. She was so grumpy and hard to handle I could only get a pull-up on her and leave. She wouldn't let me get her dressed or climb into her bed. Finally Daddy used his usual magical powers and got her to calm down and rock with him and she fell asleep. Now the next challenge would be to wake her for her birthday. Getting her to sleep is hard, waking her is harder. 
     While she slept, Mommy prepared her birthday dinner request. Pancakes. Addison, at this point in time, only eats pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So she, wanted pancakes for her birthday dinner. I also made eggs, sausage, toast, orange juice, and hot chocolate to give a variety to others. When Pappi and Grammy showed up we ate dinner without the birthday girl, thinking we would let her sleep as much as possible and maybe she wouldn't be so grumpy when waking her up. After letting her sleep for a couple of hours Mommy took a deep breath and got the courage to wake up the Sleeping Beauty. When I say that it is hard to wake up Addison, I am not exaggerating. You can poke, tickle, lift her up, even pull her out of bed and she will still sleep. Pappi and I also tried bribing her with all her presents that she was going to open but she was not going to wake. I pulled her out of bed and held in the rocking chair, talking to her about how she needed to wake up so we could sing Happy Birthday to her and she could open her presents. She woke up when Mommy told her she needed to go put three birthday candles on the cake. She was still a little asleep and grumpy when we sang Happy Birthday to her. And she had Ethan and Daddy blow the candles out. She was more awake while eating the frosting off the cake. 
     We finally made it to the presents. Still a little groggy, she sat on the couch at first and little Ethan just hand her presents to open but then she was more awake after the second present and was more aware of what she was getting and more excited to get them out of the packages to play with. Addison did get her Minnie Mouse house with all the accessories that you can get with it, she also got a Minnie Mouse movie, Minnie and Daisy magnet dress up book, Minnie Mouse ears, Minnie Mouse pillow, Mickey smart book, Minnie Mouse clothes and money. This girl is definitely loved (and spoiled) by many family members. When done opening presents, I told her she could climb back into bed now, but it was like she was never tired. She was having to much fun watching Minnie Mouse and playing with her new Minnie Mouse house. Even Ethan thought the Minnie Mouse house was fun to play with. What a interesting, tough and fun birthday.

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