I am a little behind on time again, but I can't believe that Ethan is finished with the first grade, making his way to 2nd grade. Ethan seemed to love 1st grade. He had a great teacher, Mrs. Fenkell. I think he might have even had a little crush on his teacher, he like her A LOT. He loved P.E. and library. Those were the two things I could get him to tell me about his day at school. He is the typical child that when you ask what you did at school he would say, "I can't remember" or "I don't know." So I would then ask them what he did for his specials that day,(P.E., Art, Library, and Music) and I could always get a little more out of him when it came to P.E. and Library. He would tell me what book the librarian read in library and ask for me to check it out at our library or he would tell me what game they played in P.E. or that he is the fastest runner in his class. It is so much fun listen and watch your kids get excited about school.
The second to last day of school, Ethan's 1st grade class had awards ceremony. Unfortuntly, Mommy was substitute teaching at Diaz Elementary school that day because she forgot about awards ceremony and didn't get to make it. Fortunatly, though, Ethan's Pappi was able to make it and saw Ethan receieve an outstanding student certificate and also got a maroon ribbon. Pappi said that not very many students got a certificate so it was a big deal that Ethan got one. This Mommy was very appreciative that Pappi made the time to go see Ethan at award ceremony. Ethan kept saying it didn't matter that Mommy or Daddy couldn't go but Pappi said that when Ethan's class came out to the front, Ethan was looking for someone and then looked disappointed. Pappi stood and waved so Ethan could see he was there and Ethan's face lit up to see Pappi there. It broke Mommy's heart and still does when writing this but again I was so glad on of Ethan's favorite person was there, Pappi. Mommy did, however, had a treat for Ethan when she got home to give him and Addison and told her how proud she is of her big boy.
Again, it has been a great 1st grade school year and I hope that Ethan has a great 2nd grade year. He is already excited about it and Mommy is making sure he is ready by having him continue to read and learn new things this summer. Even Addison is hoping to go to pre-school this coming year. We will see.
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