Shark Reef, IKEA, Birthday. Oh My....
This last Saturday, August 6th, we had the best Saturday ever. Grammy found out that we could go to the Shark Reef in Vegas for free every first Saturday of the month. Every first Saturday of the month teachers can go in free and also bring one other person for free. Since everyone in the family is practically a teacher, we were all able to get in for free. So Pappi, Grammy, Uncle Michael's family and our family went to the shark reef and had a blast seeing different fish, sharks and other sea creatures. Our favorite was where they had it look like we were in a sunken ship and you could look down and see treasure and fish under your feet. Then you looked through the windows to see sharks and other fish, then you when out and into a large tube where you could see the fish and sharks swim all around you. We even saw a turtle swim above us. It is so much fun to see. The kids also loved the jelly fish display.
It isn't a very big display, so it only took us an hour or two to go through the whole exhibit but it was fun and free. Pappi and Grammy, though, did spend money and spoiled the kids with
gifts at the gift shop. They got Ethan a cool glow in the dark shark
shirt with a jumbo size pencil and Addison got a pink haired mermaid
stuffed animal that she is still trying to name. After being spoiled rotten again, we decided we needed something to eat, which can be a challenge for our big group. We got lucky for the kids and found a pretzel stand to get pretzels and freshly squeezed lemon aid. Also Pappi bought the kids ice-cream dots from a vending machine. The adults also found a Panda Express just down the street from the pretzel shop. After everyone was satisfied, happy and full we all went separate ways. Uncle Michael had to go to work. Daddy and Addison were tired and went home. Pappi, Grammy, Aunt Felicia, Alex, Myra, Ethan and I decided to go to IKEA. This was the first time for Ethan and I to go to an IKEA store. Mommy thinks she could live in that store and probably could since they have it setup with with kitchen, living room and bedroom layouts. It really gets you dreaming and scheming of what you want in a house. It was so much fun to walk around. Ethan though got tired and bored and regretted coming along. But since we had Pappi, Pappi fixed that by taking Ethan to watch the TV at the front of the store, then he bought him an ice-cream cone. Pappi also came out with a bag of assorted candy gummies for all the grandchildren to share.

Once we had walked through the whole store, we were all tuckered out. So we decided to meet at our house. We had a birthday to celebrate. DADDY'S. When we got back home, I was starting to get a migraine and everyone else was tired. Matthew quickly went to his favorite game shop where he has store credit to pick up a new game for his birthday. Pappi and Grammy went to but a pie for Matthew's birthday and Felicia and I stayed and watched the kids and tried to get rid of a migraine.
When everyone got back, before celebrating Matthew's birthday, the kids wanted to go swimming. Unfortunately, we didn't warn Aunt Felicia about swimming, so Alex and Myra weren't able to go. So it was just Pappi, Grammy, Ethan, Addison and I that went swimming. We didn't stay to long since it was already getting a little late and we still needed to sing Happy Birthday to Daddy.
It wasn't really Daddy's birthday. His birthday was on Sunday but since we already had everyone there we decided to celebrate and what is better to end the day but a birthday? Addison played Happy Birthday on the piano that she had practiced hard on while Daddy and Grammy lit the candles on the mini cupcakes we made Daddy. Daddy doesn't really like cake though, hence Matthew's parents went and bought him a pie. In the end, it was a fishy IKEA fun birthday.
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