The kids went to swimming lessons Mon-Thursday for two weeks. Ethan started learning different strokes as well as practiced on his diving and breathing from the side. Addison was learning how to do bigger scoops and kicking faster. Her favorite thing was to play 'What Time Is It Mr. Fox?' She has played this game before with the family but never in the swimming pool. Both kids liked their swimming instructors. Mommy was very impressed as well. After every lesson the instructor would come and inform the parents what the kids worked on that day and what they needed to improve.
At the end of the two weeks, Addison's instructor told us to have Addison do level 1 again, to help her improve her scopes and kicks, as well as her back swim. Also, she isn't quiet tall enough to move to the next level. Ethan though was proud that his instructor told us to let him move up to level 4. Ethan said that the last day of the lessons, they had a swim test to swim from one side of the pool to the other. Ethan said he passed the test. Ethan is a very good swimmer. The main reason we put him in lessons was to learn the different strokes and it is easier to hear it from someone other than Dad and Mom all the time.
Even though it was fun, two weeks straight, with everyday lessons was tiring even for Mommy. Plus we had a lot of events coming up in the next week that we decided to take a break with swim lessons but we will probably put them in again so they can continue to learn and have fun.
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