Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Dumb Walk/New Friend, Chocolate

     So, today instead of taking my smart pills I think I swapped them with my dumb pills. Yes, I take those pills it seems quite often. Anyway, the kids and I wake up and I asked the kids if they would like to take a walk today. Of course, they jumped at the idea and Ethan asked if we could walk along way. I needed to get something to the post office but can't get there before it closes because I don't have a car and Matthew gets home to late. So I said, you guys want to see how far it is to the post office. I kept warning them that it was a long way and would take a few hours for us to get to the post office and back. Mommy already knew before we started this was a bad idea. 
    So we went for the long walk and at the being of our walk we have a friend join us. This brown dog was on the road and saw us. She (I think it's a she) took to the kids instantly, just like the kids took to her. We don't know who she belongs to but the kids and eventually I was enjoying her company. I have to say a little to much. We started trying to figure out what her name might be and then, our biggest mistake, we gave her the name of Chocolate. We would worry that she would get hit by a car on the street, so when cars would come we would make kissing sounds or whistle to get her to come to us. 
      Like I said, it was a very long and dumb walk. I didn't know if after all of it we would make it home. Everybody's feet hurt. The kids were almost in tears close to home and we now have a new friend with us that I am trying to figure out how to kindly get rid of. We would love to keep her but we already have Pappi and Grammy's dog Macee and I don't know if we could afford to take care of a dog. Since we have been home, we have tried to ignore her but she has been sitting outside on the porch for the last several hours.

 The pictures are not the best but she is a pretty dog. I never thought I liked big dogs but she has grown on me and she seems like a very lovable and gentle dog.

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