My children again, made me proud to be their mother in many different ways. These are the days that I wonder, how can I ever be mad or mean to my children. Here is how the day went. First off, today Ethan's primary did their primary program. Ethan did have a sentence to memorize and after saying it a few times had it down. "Agency is the gift to choose for myself." Every so often I would quiz him during the month to make sure he wouldn't forget it but he had it down solid and he proved it today. His class was the second to stand up and get in line to give their talks. He was the last one in his class to stand and give his. He got up to the microphone and with a clear loud voice he said his line perfectly. I was so proud. He also looked liked he was singing the songs. He couldn't help and wave to us during ever song though. All the primary children did very well and I definitely felt the Spirit. The theme was on families. I will be honest and say that I was partial to my son though.
Now to tell you how I am proud of my daughter, Addison as well. Before church, Daddy was a little late getting out the door, which made us all a little late. Pappi and Grammy came to see Ethan give his talk and were waiting for us in the car. Because of all this, Mommy was a little rattled and accidentally left Addison's blankie and current best friend Donald Duck at home. Addison informed us of this as we were backing out. Normally I would have Matthew pull in and go get it but we were late so I told him to keep going and I would take care of Addison. She was crying and it did broke my heart so I told her if she could be good at church that she could have a candy when we got home. You would think no big deal but Addison has a mean Mommy lately and has been stingy with the candy. She only gets a candy in the morning when she wakes up with a dry diaper and at night if she has no accidents. Hearing she could get a bonus candy made he quite immediately and she was great during sacrament. I'm guessing she was good during Nursery since they didn't tell me otherwise. She also made Mommy proud because she told her Nursery leaders that she needed to go potty and they came and got me to help her. She has been wearing underwear to nursery lately, because she says she is a big girl and doesn't need a diaper. It still makes me nervous but we have done it three Sundays and no accidents and they have come to get me when she needs to go. How could I not be proud of that?
The day doesn't end there. Ethan got Halloween cookies from is Primary teacher. It had two cookies in the bag and before Addison could whine or ask for a cookie to, Ethan said he had two cookie, one for Addison and one for himself. This is typical of Ethan to think of his sister but it is sweet to hear each time how much he loves and takes care of his sister.
Still more. The rest of the day, we just tried to do quite things. I read books from the library to the kids, which they now have two more favorites. Then we painted our finger and toes. Ethan just painted his toes. Yes, I let him paint his toes. What's wrong with that? Then the kids wanted to play with the new play dough set and listen to music while I finished grading a stack of Matthew's papers. They started to get bored, which is not a good sign and usually ends up having kids cry or fight or create some problem. Instead, Addison pulled out the car bucket and started playing cars. Ethan must of thought that sounded fun and joined in. I had the kids pause to eat dinner then dashed out the door to go to choir practice. When I got back, I was pleased to see that they ate all their dinner (SHOCK) and they were playing some sort of made up race game with all the cars. Of course, since Ethan was playing the cars were lined up in rows. It was fun to see them playing together so well, I just let them be.
They played there game for hours and probably would have continued tell bedtime but Addison, sadly, had an accident again and we had to clean her up and she had to sit on time out (what a mean mom). She only has accidents when she gets to caught up in playing and I haven't found a way to get it through to her that she can pause, go potty, and then play again. I guess it will finally click in time. Anyway, since this happened that ended the fun plus it was close to their bedtime movie so Mommy wanted the really messy house picked up. Which they cleaned up without Mommy having to repeat herself to many times or getting mad. I don't know what was in the air today, (the spirit and my kids probably also feeling proud of themselves) but it was a great Sunday. I know this was a long post over a simple Sunday but these are days and memories that I want to remember and look back on. Plus I AM PROUD OF MY CHILDREN AND LOVE THEM.
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