Halloween Fun
Halloween finally came and sadly went. The kids didn't think we would ever get to Halloween and now they can't believe it's all over. Halloween was just has fun has we had anticipated. During the day we did all the Halloween party preparations. We went to the store to get our party foods. Then we came home and made sprinkle sugar cookies, dips and other fun treats. Pappi and Grammy later joined us and treated us to Steak and Shake. This is the kids favorite and the only fast food restaurant that they will eat at. It is only because they serve macaroni and cheese and yummy shakes. When we got back from the steak and shake it was a little to early to go trick or treating, so to keep us entertained we watched YouTube Halloween videos to pass the time. Even though they have lots of fun songs and Halloween videos, they still had a hard time waiting.
When we finally announced it was time to get the costumes on, and were they were all over the place. Addison decided to be brave and spray paint her hair black again for her Minnie Mouse costume. I think we did a better job with the spray paint this time too. Ethan wasn't so brave but his hair is already dark and we didn't think it matter with his Hulk costume. He looked scary and Hulkish enough. Next we had to decide where to go trick-or-treating. We weren't sure if they did trick-or-treating in our gated community, and it was a good thing we decided to go somewhere else because I found out that they don't, since we didn't get any trick-or-treaters and people in the ward on Sunday told me that they don't, they go other places. Anyway, we decided to hit the subdivision around Ethan's school and that was perfect. There were many individuals, just sitting in there drive way waiting for children. They were giving lots of candy away as well because they said they weren't getting very many trick or treaters either. There were some really awesome decorated houses. One of the houses they had their kids shouting beware of the haunted house, or enter at your own risk. Then when you went into the living room where there was a table of spooky Halloween decorations with the bowl of candy and then a motion activated spider. It scared even me and it scared Addison so much she wasn't going to get a piece of candy. She didn't want to get near it. Ethan even hesitated for a bit but I guess he wanted the candy bad enough he braved it and grabbed candy for him and his sister. Another house that Ethan loved the best, they decorated their garage with a witch/ fortune teller theme. They had dry ice going to get the fog effect. Ethan went in the garage to get the candy, he said he had to put a bone in the pot to complete a spell to get the candy. Addison, again, decided to not go in. The people doing it, planned ahead because they had someone outside the drive way ready to give candy to the little kids. Later, a couple houses down she did want to go put a bone in to but we told her it was a little late and promised her she could ring the next door bell instead. Then there were houses that had lots of Halloween lights, inflatable pumpkins and ghosts. It was lots of fun to see and meet others. Amazingly, we only ended when we did because was getting to tired and starting to whine that his bag was to heavy and his feet were to tired. As a mother, I was fine with that, I didn't want them to get tons of candy that would have to be monitored for a year.

When we got home, Addison went straight to the tub to wash the spray out of her hair, then we of course looked through the goodies. I started to sort their candy into piles and showed them how to swap their candy with each other. Ethan doesn't care for chocolate and Addison is still a little small for gum, so we did a little swapping. In the end they really didn't care and we put it all in one big bucket.

Then we started the real fun of eating more junk food and our traditional pinata. Mommy still has not mastered the art of the pinata. It was again to hard this year and it took Pappi whacking it with a hammer several times to finally get it to break open. It was still fun, though and Ethan is growing fast so eventually he will be able to break it open by himself. Like I said, we then just ate candy and junk food all night long. On Halloween, we have a little rule that Mommy or Daddy can't tell them no more candy. They kids can eat as much as they want. I was surprised to see that even with this rule the kids were really good about not eating to much and making themselves sick. They just ended up eating a few pieces that night. My kids aren't big eaters even when it comes to candy but it still surprised me.

Pappi and Grammy stayed and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas with us. The kids tried to convince them to stay and do the slumber party with us but sleeping on a mattress in the living room with two wiggle kids must not have sounded that fun. Just kidding. Grammy told them she had things she had to go the next day and they didn't bring the pajamas and other slumber party equipment. So they went home and we pulled out Daddy and Mommy's mattress to the living room and watched movies until everyone fell asleep. Now Daddy was the one that did not think sleeping with two wiggly kids on the mattress sounded like fun, so he ended up sleeping on Addison's full bed, which in the end he said wasn't that comfortable since it doesn't have a box spring. For a slumber party the kids ended up falling asleep at 12:30 a.m. which I thought wasn't to bad. Ethan was first to konk out and then Addison followed about an hour and a half later. I swear that girl doesn't need a lot of sleep. You would think that going to bed later would mean sleeping in but she was up at 7 a.m. I know that isn't that early but still, you always hope to get a little extra sleep after a long holiday day. In the end, even Matthew, who doesn't like Halloween, said that it was a great and fun Halloween.
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