On August 19th, 2016, my only brother married a wonderful young lady, Briana. I was blessed and fortunate to be able to drive with my family to Fantana, California and witness the sealing of this beautiful couple. Since it was in California that the wedding took place, a lot of Anthony's side wasn't able to attend. Some that came was Grandma Brooks, Dad, Mom, Holly, Uncle Clint and Aunt Emily and our family.
We almost wondered if we would be able to make the just few hours drive to the wedding. The roads were being shut down due to extreme fires. Unfortunately, my parents along with Grandma Brooks and Holly had a long seventeen hour drive because of the road closer all around but were finally able to find a road that got them to their destination. Our family drove the next day and later in the day hoping that the roads would be open, which they were but you could see where the fires got out of control by the road and why they had to close the down.
The kids were excited to finally stay at a hotel this summer even though Daddy thought that the La Quinta hotel was a little dumpy and thought we should have paid a little more money for a better hotel. Know one else complained, though, and were just happy to be in California and had a place to stay for everyone, including our dog Tuggle.
After a beautiful sealing for time and all eternity in the beautiful Redlands temple, we meet up with Dad, Mom, Holly and Grandma Brooks for lunch and ate at Sizzlers. It was nice to be able to chat with everyone, since we haven't seen everyone in what seems like an eternity. Plus the food was really great as well. Trying to decided what to do with the rest of the time and thinking about going to the beach but then realizing that we were tired and worried about Tuggle at the hotel. We decided to go back to the hotel and rest before the reception that night. Daddy and Mommy both laid down and took naps from lack of sleep at night. The kids are a little restless in their sleep and it didn't help that we had double beds. A little small for us we decided. In the future we decided to make sure to get queen or kings beds for us to share. Anyway, while Daddy and Mommy napped the kids played on the ir electronic devices or watched what was on t.v.
Then at around 7 pm we went to the reception. It was very beautiful how they had it set up. They decided not to do a line and torture the family or brides maids. Sadly, since it was Anthony and Briana's day, and they were in the spotlight and everyone wanted their attention, I wasn't able to talk to Briana and get to know her. The first time I met Briana was at the temple sealing when marriage my brother. From talking to my family, being a friend on Facebook and seeing my brother with his bride, she is a remarkable young woman and I am proud that my brother was able to marry her. Hopefully in the future, there will be a day that I can sit and get to know her better. If they live in California area then we might be able to visit them sometime.
Through all this I couldn't believe that my little kid brother was old enough to be getting married to an awesome girl. I remember bossing and torturing this little boy. Yes, I admit, I was a mean older sister to my younger brother and we aren't as close as siblings but I still love him and think I grow up to be an amazing young man. In fact as an older sister, I look up to him in challenges that he has had to face in his life. He is a great example. I still have a hard time though grasping the concept of Anthony starting his own family. I am excited and eager to see how the future goes for them.
Little Moments & Humble Braggings
A mother bragging about her husband and kids.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Shark Reef, IKEA, Birthday. Oh My....
This last Saturday, August 6th, we had the best Saturday ever. Grammy found out that we could go to the Shark Reef in Vegas for free every first Saturday of the month. Every first Saturday of the month teachers can go in free and also bring one other person for free. Since everyone in the family is practically a teacher, we were all able to get in for free. So Pappi, Grammy, Uncle Michael's family and our family went to the shark reef and had a blast seeing different fish, sharks and other sea creatures. Our favorite was where they had it look like we were in a sunken ship and you could look down and see treasure and fish under your feet. Then you looked through the windows to see sharks and other fish, then you when out and into a large tube where you could see the fish and sharks swim all around you. We even saw a turtle swim above us. It is so much fun to see. The kids also loved the jelly fish display.
It isn't a very big display, so it only took us an hour or two to go through the whole exhibit but it was fun and free. Pappi and Grammy, though, did spend money and spoiled the kids with
gifts at the gift shop. They got Ethan a cool glow in the dark shark
shirt with a jumbo size pencil and Addison got a pink haired mermaid
stuffed animal that she is still trying to name. After being spoiled rotten again, we decided we needed something to eat, which can be a challenge for our big group. We got lucky for the kids and found a pretzel stand to get pretzels and freshly squeezed lemon aid. Also Pappi bought the kids ice-cream dots from a vending machine. The adults also found a Panda Express just down the street from the pretzel shop. After everyone was satisfied, happy and full we all went separate ways. Uncle Michael had to go to work. Daddy and Addison were tired and went home. Pappi, Grammy, Aunt Felicia, Alex, Myra, Ethan and I decided to go to IKEA. This was the first time for Ethan and I to go to an IKEA store. Mommy thinks she could live in that store and probably could since they have it setup with with kitchen, living room and bedroom layouts. It really gets you dreaming and scheming of what you want in a house. It was so much fun to walk around. Ethan though got tired and bored and regretted coming along. But since we had Pappi, Pappi fixed that by taking Ethan to watch the TV at the front of the store, then he bought him an ice-cream cone. Pappi also came out with a bag of assorted candy gummies for all the grandchildren to share.
Once we had walked through the whole store, we were all tuckered out. So we decided to meet at our house. We had a birthday to celebrate. DADDY'S. When we got back home, I was starting to get a migraine and everyone else was tired. Matthew quickly went to his favorite game shop where he has store credit to pick up a new game for his birthday. Pappi and Grammy went to but a pie for Matthew's birthday and Felicia and I stayed and watched the kids and tried to get rid of a migraine.
When everyone got back, before celebrating Matthew's birthday, the kids wanted to go swimming. Unfortunately, we didn't warn Aunt Felicia about swimming, so Alex and Myra weren't able to go. So it was just Pappi, Grammy, Ethan, Addison and I that went swimming. We didn't stay to long since it was already getting a little late and we still needed to sing Happy Birthday to Daddy.
It wasn't really Daddy's birthday. His birthday was on Sunday but since we already had everyone there we decided to celebrate and what is better to end the day but a birthday? Addison played Happy Birthday on the piano that she had practiced hard on while Daddy and Grammy lit the candles on the mini cupcakes we made Daddy. Daddy doesn't really like cake though, hence Matthew's parents went and bought him a pie. In the end, it was a fishy IKEA fun birthday.

Once we had walked through the whole store, we were all tuckered out. So we decided to meet at our house. We had a birthday to celebrate. DADDY'S. When we got back home, I was starting to get a migraine and everyone else was tired. Matthew quickly went to his favorite game shop where he has store credit to pick up a new game for his birthday. Pappi and Grammy went to but a pie for Matthew's birthday and Felicia and I stayed and watched the kids and tried to get rid of a migraine.
When everyone got back, before celebrating Matthew's birthday, the kids wanted to go swimming. Unfortunately, we didn't warn Aunt Felicia about swimming, so Alex and Myra weren't able to go. So it was just Pappi, Grammy, Ethan, Addison and I that went swimming. We didn't stay to long since it was already getting a little late and we still needed to sing Happy Birthday to Daddy.
It wasn't really Daddy's birthday. His birthday was on Sunday but since we already had everyone there we decided to celebrate and what is better to end the day but a birthday? Addison played Happy Birthday on the piano that she had practiced hard on while Daddy and Grammy lit the candles on the mini cupcakes we made Daddy. Daddy doesn't really like cake though, hence Matthew's parents went and bought him a pie. In the end, it was a fishy IKEA fun birthday.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Gooseberry Reunion
This weekend, July 29th through the 31st, the kids and I were privileged to go to our first Gooseberry Watkins reunion and let me tell you the kids had a blast. Addison doesn't ever remember going camping and even though we were spoiled on this camping trip with cabins and a little electricity it was still a great camping experience. The kids were bummed that it wasn't longer. In fact, Addison wanted to live there.
We met up with Grammy Friday night after work and she drove us the five hours to get to Gooseberry. As we were driving Grammy and I had lots of time to chat and some things we chatted about was funny but terrible experiences we had with vacations. Funny that driving to Gooseberry will be added to almost terrible experience when we almost ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Grammy and I were panicked that at any moment the car would stop running due to no gas and we would be in pitch black darkness with no one to call and rescue us. With many prayers and telling ourselves we would be okay, we did find a gas station before we ran out of gas. We were all saying praises and gratitude to the Lord for sparing us for a terrible travel. We got to our cabin between ten and eleven our time and even though it was so late, the kids were so excited by the cabin and camping that it took everyone a little while to go to sleep.
The next day we were treated to great food from Pappi. He made us customized omelets but unfortunately for my picky kids they didn't really eat the whole camping trip. They did though, have many adventures and got to explore. They walked around the campgrounds and found streams, homemade bridges, a fort someone made and lots of pretty flowers. It did rain off and on, so ever so often we had to take cover in our cabin and play some card games. We even had fun sitting under the porch and watching it rain while eating snacks. When it wasn't raining Pappi took the kids on the four wheeler and took them to see a beaver damn. They were gone for a couple of hours so it must have been really far and really fun to explore. On the way back they saw a dead raccoon that they had Mommy walk and see. It looked like the raccoon was just sleeping in the middle of the road but it was definitely dead. It was sad to see.
We had other great food. Uncle Kirk and Aunt Paula made quesadillas and soup for lunch and then ham, potatoes and biscuits for dinner. Again, my kids didn't any of it but Mommy thought they were great. It was also nice for the kids to play with their other cousins that they haven't seen forever. They loved playing Frisbee and hiding in the large trees. Aunt Janette also had fun games to entertain the kids like badminton balloon, sling shots and lots of balloons to just whack or blow up and let go. Never a real dull moment and if there was down time, it was great weather to take a nap or go for a walk or just talk to everyone outside. That night Ethan and Addison were also really excited to experience a camping shower. They weren't to happy that after that shower they had to stay in the cabin so they would stay clean for tomorrow's church.
The next morning Mommy got up extra early to shower while the kids were asleep to get ready for sacrament meeting. The Watkins family knew where a church building was close that we could at least go to sacrament meeting. Before we went I had the best breakfast in my life by Rachel. She made french toast and cinnamon syrup. It was dessert for breakfast. I am going to get the recipe so I can make it and get really fat off of it. It was heaven. Then we went to a sacrament meeting. Then Grammy, the kids and I drove back home with no incidents. But it did seem like the way back home was longer than the way there. When we all finally got home Mommy had everyone take bath and showers again, unpack the car and then crashed. Daddy was relieved we all made it and had fun. Matthew didn't come due to a Magic tournament which sadly he didn't do so well in. He also stayed behind to watch Tuggle. It was a fun experience that we are grateful for Pappi and Grammy let us join.
We met up with Grammy Friday night after work and she drove us the five hours to get to Gooseberry. As we were driving Grammy and I had lots of time to chat and some things we chatted about was funny but terrible experiences we had with vacations. Funny that driving to Gooseberry will be added to almost terrible experience when we almost ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Grammy and I were panicked that at any moment the car would stop running due to no gas and we would be in pitch black darkness with no one to call and rescue us. With many prayers and telling ourselves we would be okay, we did find a gas station before we ran out of gas. We were all saying praises and gratitude to the Lord for sparing us for a terrible travel. We got to our cabin between ten and eleven our time and even though it was so late, the kids were so excited by the cabin and camping that it took everyone a little while to go to sleep.
The next day we were treated to great food from Pappi. He made us customized omelets but unfortunately for my picky kids they didn't really eat the whole camping trip. They did though, have many adventures and got to explore. They walked around the campgrounds and found streams, homemade bridges, a fort someone made and lots of pretty flowers. It did rain off and on, so ever so often we had to take cover in our cabin and play some card games. We even had fun sitting under the porch and watching it rain while eating snacks. When it wasn't raining Pappi took the kids on the four wheeler and took them to see a beaver damn. They were gone for a couple of hours so it must have been really far and really fun to explore. On the way back they saw a dead raccoon that they had Mommy walk and see. It looked like the raccoon was just sleeping in the middle of the road but it was definitely dead. It was sad to see.
We had other great food. Uncle Kirk and Aunt Paula made quesadillas and soup for lunch and then ham, potatoes and biscuits for dinner. Again, my kids didn't any of it but Mommy thought they were great. It was also nice for the kids to play with their other cousins that they haven't seen forever. They loved playing Frisbee and hiding in the large trees. Aunt Janette also had fun games to entertain the kids like badminton balloon, sling shots and lots of balloons to just whack or blow up and let go. Never a real dull moment and if there was down time, it was great weather to take a nap or go for a walk or just talk to everyone outside. That night Ethan and Addison were also really excited to experience a camping shower. They weren't to happy that after that shower they had to stay in the cabin so they would stay clean for tomorrow's church.
The next morning Mommy got up extra early to shower while the kids were asleep to get ready for sacrament meeting. The Watkins family knew where a church building was close that we could at least go to sacrament meeting. Before we went I had the best breakfast in my life by Rachel. She made french toast and cinnamon syrup. It was dessert for breakfast. I am going to get the recipe so I can make it and get really fat off of it. It was heaven. Then we went to a sacrament meeting. Then Grammy, the kids and I drove back home with no incidents. But it did seem like the way back home was longer than the way there. When we all finally got home Mommy had everyone take bath and showers again, unpack the car and then crashed. Daddy was relieved we all made it and had fun. Matthew didn't come due to a Magic tournament which sadly he didn't do so well in. He also stayed behind to watch Tuggle. It was a fun experience that we are grateful for Pappi and Grammy let us join.
Summer Swimming Lessons
During the summer Ethan and Addison was excited and had fun taking swimming lessons at the Whitney Ranch Recenter by us. We signed up Ethan to begin at level 3. We signed Addison up in level one, even though she wasn't old enough. Addison is a very good swimmer her age and was thought that according to their descriptions she was good enough to be in level. one.
The kids went to swimming lessons Mon-Thursday for two weeks. Ethan started learning different strokes as well as practiced on his diving and breathing from the side. Addison was learning how to do bigger scoops and kicking faster. Her favorite thing was to play 'What Time Is It Mr. Fox?' She has played this game before with the family but never in the swimming pool. Both kids liked their swimming instructors. Mommy was very impressed as well. After every lesson the instructor would come and inform the parents what the kids worked on that day and what they needed to improve.
At the end of the two weeks, Addison's instructor told us to have Addison do level 1 again, to help her improve her scopes and kicks, as well as her back swim. Also, she isn't quiet tall enough to move to the next level. Ethan though was proud that his instructor told us to let him move up to level 4. Ethan said that the last day of the lessons, they had a swim test to swim from one side of the pool to the other. Ethan said he passed the test. Ethan is a very good swimmer. The main reason we put him in lessons was to learn the different strokes and it is easier to hear it from someone other than Dad and Mom all the time.
Even though it was fun, two weeks straight, with everyday lessons was tiring even for Mommy. Plus we had a lot of events coming up in the next week that we decided to take a break with swim lessons but we will probably put them in again so they can continue to learn and have fun.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Even more Pinkalicious
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
End of 1st Grade
I am a little behind on time again, but I can't believe that Ethan is finished with the first grade, making his way to 2nd grade. Ethan seemed to love 1st grade. He had a great teacher, Mrs. Fenkell. I think he might have even had a little crush on his teacher, he like her A LOT. He loved P.E. and library. Those were the two things I could get him to tell me about his day at school. He is the typical child that when you ask what you did at school he would say, "I can't remember" or "I don't know." So I would then ask them what he did for his specials that day,(P.E., Art, Library, and Music) and I could always get a little more out of him when it came to P.E. and Library. He would tell me what book the librarian read in library and ask for me to check it out at our library or he would tell me what game they played in P.E. or that he is the fastest runner in his class. It is so much fun listen and watch your kids get excited about school.
The second to last day of school, Ethan's 1st grade class had awards ceremony. Unfortuntly, Mommy was substitute teaching at Diaz Elementary school that day because she forgot about awards ceremony and didn't get to make it. Fortunatly, though, Ethan's Pappi was able to make it and saw Ethan receieve an outstanding student certificate and also got a maroon ribbon. Pappi said that not very many students got a certificate so it was a big deal that Ethan got one. This Mommy was very appreciative that Pappi made the time to go see Ethan at award ceremony. Ethan kept saying it didn't matter that Mommy or Daddy couldn't go but Pappi said that when Ethan's class came out to the front, Ethan was looking for someone and then looked disappointed. Pappi stood and waved so Ethan could see he was there and Ethan's face lit up to see Pappi there. It broke Mommy's heart and still does when writing this but again I was so glad on of Ethan's favorite person was there, Pappi. Mommy did, however, had a treat for Ethan when she got home to give him and Addison and told her how proud she is of her big boy.
Again, it has been a great 1st grade school year and I hope that Ethan has a great 2nd grade year. He is already excited about it and Mommy is making sure he is ready by having him continue to read and learn new things this summer. Even Addison is hoping to go to pre-school this coming year. We will see.
The second to last day of school, Ethan's 1st grade class had awards ceremony. Unfortuntly, Mommy was substitute teaching at Diaz Elementary school that day because she forgot about awards ceremony and didn't get to make it. Fortunatly, though, Ethan's Pappi was able to make it and saw Ethan receieve an outstanding student certificate and also got a maroon ribbon. Pappi said that not very many students got a certificate so it was a big deal that Ethan got one. This Mommy was very appreciative that Pappi made the time to go see Ethan at award ceremony. Ethan kept saying it didn't matter that Mommy or Daddy couldn't go but Pappi said that when Ethan's class came out to the front, Ethan was looking for someone and then looked disappointed. Pappi stood and waved so Ethan could see he was there and Ethan's face lit up to see Pappi there. It broke Mommy's heart and still does when writing this but again I was so glad on of Ethan's favorite person was there, Pappi. Mommy did, however, had a treat for Ethan when she got home to give him and Addison and told her how proud she is of her big boy.
Again, it has been a great 1st grade school year and I hope that Ethan has a great 2nd grade year. He is already excited about it and Mommy is making sure he is ready by having him continue to read and learn new things this summer. Even Addison is hoping to go to pre-school this coming year. We will see.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
1st Piano Recital
This week was my first piano recital with students and my students first piano recital ever. I made this piano recital Disney themed. Each student had one piece of their choice memorized, one primary duet with me and a Disney song of their choice. For one of my students, I was a little nervous that they wouldn't have their Disney song ready or their piece memorized but they all did great. I also realized that night that I have only had these students for 4 1/2 months and for only a short period of time they did really good.
I tried to make it fun also by making a Mad Hatter Hat for them to wear during their Disney song but since they were nervous, they decided to not wear it. I also played a Disney Medley which everyone said was fun to listen to and figure out what Disney song I was playing.
Afterwards I had Disney themed refreshments and I gave each student a basket of piano games, treats and a picture of them playing the piano. For the refreshments there were A Spoon Full of Sugar Cookies, Tigger Tails (Pretzels dipped in orange chocolate), Poisoned Apples(rice krispy treats with tootsie rolls), Pixie Dust (Pixie Sticks), True Loves Kiss (Chocolate kisses) and Bing Bong's Tears (variety of wrapped candy) and Melted Snowman to drink (water).
For a gift I made each student piano games like finger twister, Busted piano notes, Piano Puzzle (matching notes to keyboard), Note Dominoes, and then some fun prizes: a whoopee cushion, light up ball, bubble bath, grow capsules and bubbles. I hope that the games help them to keep practicing and learning during the summer.
In the end, I think it was a big success. The students were proud of themselves, the parents were proud of their children and this teacher was super proud of her students and how hard they worked. I hope they want to continue and that they keep up their good work.
Watkins Piano Recital
I tried to make it fun also by making a Mad Hatter Hat for them to wear during their Disney song but since they were nervous, they decided to not wear it. I also played a Disney Medley which everyone said was fun to listen to and figure out what Disney song I was playing.
Afterwards I had Disney themed refreshments and I gave each student a basket of piano games, treats and a picture of them playing the piano. For the refreshments there were A Spoon Full of Sugar Cookies, Tigger Tails (Pretzels dipped in orange chocolate), Poisoned Apples(rice krispy treats with tootsie rolls), Pixie Dust (Pixie Sticks), True Loves Kiss (Chocolate kisses) and Bing Bong's Tears (variety of wrapped candy) and Melted Snowman to drink (water).
For a gift I made each student piano games like finger twister, Busted piano notes, Piano Puzzle (matching notes to keyboard), Note Dominoes, and then some fun prizes: a whoopee cushion, light up ball, bubble bath, grow capsules and bubbles. I hope that the games help them to keep practicing and learning during the summer.
In the end, I think it was a big success. The students were proud of themselves, the parents were proud of their children and this teacher was super proud of her students and how hard they worked. I hope they want to continue and that they keep up their good work.
Here is the video of the piano recital linked to youtube by clicking
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