Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Just Keeps On Growing

      So, my big three year old girl and now officially day and night potty trained. For the last couple of week Addison has been not only NOT peeing her bed but she has been wearing underwear to bed as well. The first week Mommy was worried. Even though she was getting up and going potty at night she was reverting back to her old habits of wanting to sleep with Mommy or being rocked back to sleep. This Mommy is really mean though and after a couple of nights of tantrums because Mommy is not willing to sleep in the rocking chair after going potty at one in the morning, Mommy threatened to take away candy for the day if she didn't go back to bed right after going potty. Since then Mommy only gets woken up to a big girl needing help getting her underwear turned inside out and then she goes straight to bed.
     Also, in the next couple of days, I have a son that is turning six year old. I can't be that old to have a six year old, can I? Anyway, a post will be coming with the events of the day. 
    This week, I am also learning a lot about our dog. Tuggle started losing his baby teeth today. I didn't know that was what he was doing tell I saw a little blood on his toys and mouth and heard him eating something. It freaked me out. I thought he got a small toy and cut his mouth. Then I looked up causes of bleeding in the mouth and learned that dogs also lose their baby teeth to make room for the adult teeth. I know for sure that he is losing his teeth because even though he swallowed a tooth today (which is what dogs do), later on he was chewing on another tooth and dropped it. I picked it up quickly and put it on the counter to show Ethan, Addison and Daddy so they know I am not going crazy. To most this is all common sense, that yes, dogs will lose there teeth just like us, but this thought had never occurred to me. So now I have potty trained two kids and a dog. I have had the dog loose teeth and I know that Ethan is not to far behind in the losing teeth department. These life changes have been interesting and makes me wonder what is next to come.

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