Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine Memories

    Ethan, for school, was asked to create a Valentine box of his choice to put all his treats in. Ethan and I then went to Pinterest to see all the different ways we could decorate his box. Ethan was very kind to his mother and said that out of all the cool boxes he wanted to make his box look like a lego. That sounded easy enough to mommy and so was made a lego box.
     From the directions, all you had to do was wrap the box in wrapping paper, wrap the lid in wrapping paper, find something circle to wrap and paper and you had a lego box. That is what we did and it wasn't to hard but it was a little challenging. One, Ethan wanted to do his lego box. Mommy was glad and gave him full reign. He realized though that even taping a box in wrapping paper was a little hard and could be a two person job. The most challenging part was coming up with the buttons for the top to make it look like a lego. We finally had inspiration and cut the bottoms off of plastic cups and wrapped in the same wrapping paper and then taped them on top. Then he wrote his name on paper and taped it to the sides.
   We weren't done there though. We also had to make Valentine treats for his classmates. So we made the candy airplanes with smarties, lifesavers, and a stick of gum. We got a system going where mommy put the lifesaver tires on the smartie and then Ethan taped the stick of gum wings on. When we got half way through, Ethan got tired and mommy ended up finishing them. Then we put a sign on them saying, "You are Plane Cool, Happy Valentine Day!" Ethan thought they were great and couldn't wait for Valentine's Day.
     Addison felt a little left out to not get a Valentine box as well. So we found another box in the house and made a Minnie Mouse box for her to put trinkets in and maybe she will also get a Valentine treat in it as well.
     Doing these Valentine boxes with my kids just took me back to when my mother sat down and helped us make our Valentine boxes. I told my mom that I remember the year we were to make a Valentine box and it was a competition. We made a big mailbox, the front opened up like a mailbox and a hole on top for students to put the treat in. My mailbox one the competition. I was so excited and proud. I kept that box for awhile too. My mother couldn't remember who she made the mailbox with, (because she has done so many) but she did remember that stressful, long, intense and also fun project. What I have to look forward to in all the years to come. Happy Valentines Day!!

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